George enrolls himself, his wife and his kids in the accident insurance offered by his union, joking that his wife is such a klutz that they’ll get plenty of use out of it. A few weeks later, he drops a cinder block on his foot while working in his garage, breaking a bone. He ends up with a cast, crutches and a joke his wife will never let him live down.
Get benefits to spend on what you need.
George’s health insurance pays for many of his medical expenses, but he still has copays and a high deductible. He does not get paid for the days he misses work, and visiting the orthopedic specialist’s office 50 miles away costs a lot in gas.
Because he has accident insurance, he has help recovering financially without dipping into their family savings or using a credit card. Accident insurance benefits are paid directly to the insured, letting him use them where and how they’re most needed.
Get the benefits that fit your needs.
George gets specific amounts for his emergency care (including X-rays and physician care received within 96 hours of the accident), for follow-up visits and for his physical therapy while recovering. He would have gotten additional help had he needed an ambulance, initial hospitalization or intensive care.
Help protect yourself and your family.
George liked the ability to add his wife and kids to his policy. Because kids can be especially accident-prone, a family accident policy provides extra peace of mind. Members and their spouses can be insured after reaching age 18, and eligible dependent children can keep their insurance through age 25.