How would you pay your bills if an unexpected disability occurs? Would you rather focus on getting better, or worrying about your family’s finances?
Other means of support may not be available when you need them most.
If you run out of vacation or leave days, will you have enough savings to make it? Would you want to borrow money from family or friends while you’re getting well? Social Security disability benefits can be difficult and time consuming to receive. Now your company is making voluntary short-term disability income insurance available to you.
You choose the amount of monthly benefit you need.
Disability Coverage helps replace up to 50% of your salary if you are unable to work because of a total disability, and you can select the amount you want to buy in $100 increments. For periods of disability that last less than one month, you will be paid at 1/30th of the monthly benefit for each day for which you are eligible to receive benefits.
When would your benefits start?
If you become totally disabled and are unable to work because of an accident or illness, you will begin an elimination “waiting period” before you receive benefits.
How long would your benefits continue?
Once you have satisfied the waiting period, your benefits will continue for as long as you are totally disabled up to the maximum period stated in the policy. If you are ready to return to work immediately after being totally disabled but cannot yet work full time, you could receive up to 50% of your monthly benefit for up to 6 months while you are partially disabled.
Pre-Existing Condition
Benefits for pre-existing conditions will not be payable until after the policyholder has been insured continuously for 12 months. Pre-existing condition means a sickness or physical condition for which the insured had treatment, incurred expenses, took medication, or received a diagnosis or advice from a physician during the 12-month period prior to the effective date. It also includes a condition that manifests itself in a way that would cause an ordinarily prudent person to seek medical advice, diagnosis, care, or treatment.
Additional Policy Advantages: Waiver of Premium Provision and Accelerated Benefits for Terminal Illness Rider
You will no longer have to pay your premiums for this insurance after you have been totally disabled for 90 consecutive days or have satisfied your elimination period, whichever is later. This important benefit can be helpful when money is tight. Also, if the unthinkable happens and you are ever diagnosed with a terminal illness and have less than a year to live, we will advance the remaining months of disability benefits up to 12 months through the Accelerated Benefit for Terminal Illness Rider to help you and your family with your additional expenses during that difficult time.